A Message from President, Heather Lindsley, LUTCF, LACP, RICP

Hello NAIFA-Wisconsin! I would like to welcome our newest members:

Julie Cassiani
Steven Gassman
Loweell Jayroe
Steve Krueger
Justin Manning
Melinda McNett
David Monk
Johannah St. John
Ping Sun

Many of you participated in our Legislative Day in March. This year we were working to get the Financial Literacy Bill passed, requiring one-half credit of personal financial literacy for high school graduation. As of today, it has passed the House and it is on the calendar in the Assembly for Jun 7th, a special thank you to Sherri Mitchell, Kristin Alfheim, Brendon DeRouin, Richard Balch, and Mike Smith for their participation in the hearings.

The Power Summit was a huge success with speakers from around the country. The Delafield Hotel is a hidden gem and great venue. If you were not able to attend this year, please make sure you put it on your calendar as a must for next year. More to come on location and date!

The annual Congressional Conference in Washington. D.C. brought more than 500 advisors together to meet with our Senators and Congressmen/women. As a state, we had 10 attendees. Thank you to all that took time from their business to continue to protect our industry. If you have never attended, please reach out to me or our executive director, Julie Phillips, for more information. Advocacy is the reason for NAIFA, and everyone should get involved!

Our NAIFA-Wisconsin Board has become a Certified Leadership Board, working hard to become more strategic and trying to have more members become engaged. If you receive a call in the near future to be on a committee, please accept and join us to make NAIFA WI the best it can be.

Our next event is the annual golf outing to be held in Stevens Point on Monday, Oct 2nd  at Wisconsin River Golf Club. Get your foursome together and get registered! It will be a great fall day for sure!

If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas for your NAIFA Board please contact me or Julie Phillips our state executive. Have a great summer!

Heather Lindsley, LUTCF, LACP, RICP
NAIFA-Wisconsin President