Welcome new members who joined NAIFA-Wisconsin this October!
Belonging to your professional association sets you apart from the competition by ascribing to a Code of Ethics, voluntarily investing & participating in a performance-driven networking group, and serving your industry through advocacy and community service.
Welcome October New Members!
By NAIFA-Wisconsin on 10/29/21 3:50 PM
Topics: Members
Prudent Planners Use the Three M's for Retirement Portfolio Success
By John Florance, E4 Senior Vice President of Annuities on 10/7/21 3:52 PM
2020 marked the half-way point of the Baby-Boomer generation’s retirement process. The early Boomers began pulling out of the workforce in 2010, and the later ones will continue to begin their retirements for the next 10 to 15 years. The generation before the Boomers, known alternately as Traditionalists, Matures, and “The Greatest,” are at the end of their lives on this planet.
2 min read
Legislative Update
By Bill McClenahan, NAIFA-Wisconsin Lobbyist on 10/7/21 3:14 PM
Below are a few updates on the bills we are actively working on:
The OCI technical bill had a hearing yesterday in the Senate. Sen. Felzkowski and Rep. Petersen are the authors. OCI and Life Insurers testified, but there were no questions from committee members. Introduction had been delayed from an earlier draft to work out a fix needed to the new cybersecurity law which provided an overly broad, unintended exemption. I registered NAIFA in support of the bill.
A new draft of the best interest standard for annuities bill was released yesterday and appears OK to the NAIFA and other national groups that were reviewing it for consistency with the model. Hopefully it will now get introduced quickly. The draft is attached. Sen. Stafsholt and Rep. Petersen are the authors.
Sen. Kooyenga has return from his deployment. It is expected that he will allow the elder abuse bill to move forward, despite Sen. Stafsholt’s opposition in his committee. The bill has already passed the Assembly.
Topics: State Advocacy
Welcome August New and Returning Members!
By NAIFA-Wisconsin on 8/31/21 2:51 PM
Welcome new and returning members who joined NAIFA-Wisconsin this August!
Belonging to your professional association sets you apart from the competition by ascribing to a Code of Ethics, voluntarily investing & participating in a performance-driven networking group, and serving your industry through advocacy and community service.
Topics: Members
Welcome July New Members!
By NAIFA-Wisconsin on 8/2/21 3:29 PM
Welcome new members who joined NAIFA-Wisconsin this July!
Belonging to your professional association sets you apart from the competition by ascribing to a Code of Ethics, voluntarily investing & participating in a performance-driven networking group, and serving your industry through advocacy and community service.
Topics: Members
1 min read
Governor Evers Signs Law to Enhance Insurance Cybersecurity Measures
By NAIFA-Wisconsin on 7/21/21 3:21 PM
From the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
Welcome June New Members!
By NAIFA-Wisconsin on 6/29/21 1:40 PM
Welcome new members who joined NAIFA-Wisconsin this June!
Belonging to your professional association sets you apart from the competition by ascribing to a Code of Ethics, voluntarily investing & participating in a performance-driven networking group, and serving your industry through advocacy and community service.
Topics: Members
1 min read
Cybersecurity Bill Passes Wisconsin Senate With NAIFA Amendment
By NAIFA-Wisconsin on 6/9/21 4:51 PM
New data security standards for the insurance industry passed the Wisconsin State Senate on June 9, 2021, on a voice vote.
Topics: State Advocacy
1 min read
Cybersecurity Bill Passes State Senate With NAIFA Amendment
By Bill McClenahan, NAIFA-Wisconsin Lobbyist on 6/9/21 2:48 PM
New data security standards for the insurance industry passed the Wisconsin State Senate on June 9, 2021 on a voice vote.
NAIFA strongly supported this bipartisan bill, based on a national model, to provide regulatory uniformity and to protect consumer information.
Senate Bill 160 includes exemptions for small businesses that were supported by NAIFA-WI. The Senate also added an amendment that our Wisconsin members suggested, providing an exemption for securities brokers that are already subject to cybersecurity regulations by FINRA.